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Green Oil - Clean Chain - Degreaser Jelly

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$9.99 USD
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Why clean your chain?
Layer upon layer of chain lube can build up into a mess. Pollution in the air can pollute your chain, and mud and road dirt can also make it dirty. A clean chain with oil can be over 99% efficient.

How to use Clean Chain 

1. Apply liberally to the chain

2. Ride the bike for a minute or less to work it in, shifting through the gears

3. Next, wipe the chain hard with a dry rag

4. Then, wipe or scrub down again with a wet rag or Green Oil Bicycle Brush. 
(It helps to do this on the top part of the chain, keeping the chain tight by holding the cranks in place)

5. Rinse thoroughly with water. A good way is to pour a watering can onto the chain, whilst turning the cranks backwards. 

6. Leave to dry, or dry with an old towel

You can also use 30ml Clean Chain and 60ml water mixed together in a chain bath. This is where you take the chain off the bike, and leave it in a small but of this solution for 2-4 hours. Then wipe clean. The same mix can be used in a chain cleaning devise, up to 1 part Clean Chain to 3 parts water. 

Clean Chain can also be mixed with 900ml water to make a whole litre of Green Clean bike cleaner!


How is Clean Chain green?

Other degreasers often boast about their orange content. However, they are often petroleum based, with a hint of orange. 'Greenwash' they like to call it. Moreover, many use aerosol cans with harmful propellants, and packaging that is difficult to recycle.

- Clean Chain degreaser's formula is 100% natural ingredients
- Its bottle is 100% recycled plastic, and easily recyclable
- Clean Chain is totally biodegradable after its life on your bike
- It won't damage your skin 

Clean Chain doesn't contain any petrochemicals. We use a special detergent made from coconut oil, orange peel extract, which is a by product of the organic orange juice industry, and other plant based ingredients for powerful degreasing performance.


Recycling information 

You can of course though recycle your Clean Chain bottle. The cap is made of 'polypropylene' - plastic type 5, so we're honest about it - most councils in the UK don't take plastic type five. Please rinse and recycle the bottle after removing the cap

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Green Oil

Green Oil - Clean Chain - Degreaser Jelly

From $9.99 USD

Why clean your chain?
Layer upon layer of chain lube can build up into a mess. Pollution in the air can pollute your chain, and mud and road dirt can also make it dirty. A clean chain with oil can be over 99% efficient.

How to use Clean Chain 

1. Apply liberally to the chain

2. Ride the bike for a minute or less to work it in, shifting through the gears

3. Next, wipe the chain hard with a dry rag

4. Then, wipe or scrub down again with a wet rag or Green Oil Bicycle Brush. 
(It helps to do this on the top part of the chain, keeping the chain tight by holding the cranks in place)

5. Rinse thoroughly with water. A good way is to pour a watering can onto the chain, whilst turning the cranks backwards. 

6. Leave to dry, or dry with an old towel

You can also use 30ml Clean Chain and 60ml water mixed together in a chain bath. This is where you take the chain off the bike, and leave it in a small but of this solution for 2-4 hours. Then wipe clean. The same mix can be used in a chain cleaning devise, up to 1 part Clean Chain to 3 parts water. 

Clean Chain can also be mixed with 900ml water to make a whole litre of Green Clean bike cleaner!


How is Clean Chain green?

Other degreasers often boast about their orange content. However, they are often petroleum based, with a hint of orange. 'Greenwash' they like to call it. Moreover, many use aerosol cans with harmful propellants, and packaging that is difficult to recycle.

- Clean Chain degreaser's formula is 100% natural ingredients
- Its bottle is 100% recycled plastic, and easily recyclable
- Clean Chain is totally biodegradable after its life on your bike
- It won't damage your skin 

Clean Chain doesn't contain any petrochemicals. We use a special detergent made from coconut oil, orange peel extract, which is a by product of the organic orange juice industry, and other plant based ingredients for powerful degreasing performance.


Recycling information 

You can of course though recycle your Clean Chain bottle. The cap is made of 'polypropylene' - plastic type 5, so we're honest about it - most councils in the UK don't take plastic type five. Please rinse and recycle the bottle after removing the cap


  • 5000ml
  • 100ml
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