Proven High-Quality though Extreme Strength Tests. In ergotec Test Center, all ergotec handlebars, stems and seat posts are subjected to extreme long-term tests, both individually and in combination. In addition to testing in line with European standards, ergotec also tests according to the significantly higher ergotec SAFETY LEVEL requirements.
Safety Level to Define Component Capacity. Conventional bike components do not meet the requirements which are imposed with a higher system weight. For this reason we have designed components which are specifically intended for this purpose. The ergotec XXL parts featuring Level 6 are specifically designed for these requirements, and can therefore be used without reservation at City bicycles of up to a max. permitted weight (bike + cyclist + luggage) of 180 kg.
Durability and Longevity. Carefree and safe on the road with the ergotec quality promise! Opting for an ergotec product always means opting for premium quality. Quality you can rely on for many years – it‘s a guarantee! Products under Safety Level 6 like ergotec SP-10.0 is expected to have a lifetime of 6 years or 35,000 km.
Ergonomical Certification ensuring Comfortable Riding. Thanks to certification as an ergonomic product and the corresponding approval procedures, ergotec demonstrates that ergonomic products reduce discomfort when cycling not just in theory, but also in practice! This benefit is proven and documented by the test certificate of the Institute for Health and Ergonomics (IGR).
Performance Meets Safety. For many years ergotec supports the world champion, World Cup winner and multiple national winner Tomas Slavik. His trust in ergotec‘s MTB components, which meet his exacting requirements, confirms brand's commitment to develop high-quality products.